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The contact form

Skontaktuj się z nami!

Applicant's details

Purchase details

The address of the house

*must be completed if it is different from the Applicant's address

Complaint data


If you have a problem with attaching files, please send them to the e-mail address: *10 files in jpg, gif, pdf, png or webp format can be sent simultaneously (maximum size of a single file 15MB)

Customer information

1. A properly submitted complaint should contain all the information necessary for its consideration, incomplete data, incorrect data may be the reason for rejecting the complaint.
2. If the data provided in the complaint or information need to be supplemented, Letniskowo will ask the complainant to supplement the data in the 3. indicated scope - this may extend the period for considering the complaint.
3. The Letniskowo company considers the complaint within 14 days from the date of its receipt in the correct form.
4. The response to the complaint is sent by phone or to the e-mail address provided.
5. The complaint consideration period is not tantamount to the defect removal period.

Request A Visit

Book a meetup or send us emails to request for service consultation.
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